Vacancy - Referee Mentor Co-Ordinator
The Gloucestershire FA is looking to bolster our team with the appointment of a Referee Mentor Co-Ordinator.
The early stage of a referee’s career can often be the most challenging and will often determine whether or not a referee continues on their refereeing journey. With that in mind, Gloucestershire FA is committed to supporting trainee referees by providing them with mentoring support.
The Referee Mentor Co-Ordinator will engage with GFA staff, new referees, and league appointments officers to assist with delivery of the Association’s ‘Conversion’ target of trainee referees to fully qualified; the first five matches. The aim is to develop and increase the Referee Mentor workforce and identify any workforce training requirements.
You can click here to read the full role description and person specification for this post.
This is a voluntary role but an honorarium will be paid each season to the successful candidate.
The deadline for applications will be 12pm on Friday 9th August 2024 with follow up conversations to be held with candidates on the week commencing 19th August 2024.