all GFA staff to return to full time working hours from April 6

GFA Staff Update

Following the Return of Outdoor Grassroots Football, staff will return to full-time hours from April 6

In-line with the UK Government’s 'Roadmap out of national lockdown' announcement [on February 22] and the subsequent first steps which saw the Return of Outdoor Grassroots Football from March 29, all GFA staff will return to full-time hours from April 6. We will communicate the opening of the Oaklands Park office facilities in due course.

We have installed a new phone-line system and we are now in a position to accept calls while working from home as well as in the office.

01454 615888

Option 1 - Safeguarding

Option 2 - Football Services

Option 3 - Football Development

Option 4 - Refereeing

Option 5 - Oaklands Park Facilities

We are regularly monitoring the mailbox and maintaining a close working relationship with the FA’s Safeguarding team. If you have any concerns about a child, young person or adult at risk’s welfare, please use the following Safeguarding Emergency contacts: -

Glos FA Designated Safeguarding Officer, Hugh Feltham: 07960 500130.

FA/ NSPCC 24-hour Hotline: 0808 800 5000.

The FA Safeguarding Team:

Please remember that if a child or young person is in immediate danger, ALWAYS call 999.

Safeguarding and Welfare

Please send any enquiries to and we will respond as soon as we can.