Inspiring Positive Change Through Football
The GFA publishes our main business strategy every four years, with the most recent strategy launch coming in October 2024 to cover the four-year period up to and including 2028. The strategy, titled 'Inspiring Positive Change Through Football', sets out the GFA’s values, priorities and drivers for the current cycle. It is available below.
Our strategy for this period was developed in collaboration with our community, and shaped by those of you who turned up to our in-person consultation events as well as the 1000+ online responses that we received.
“The local network of football volunteers and delivery partners are vital to helping us achieve the ambitious priorities set out in this strategy and we look forward to working closely with our key partners and the stakeholders across the county over the next four years.”
- David Neale, GFA Chief Executive Officer
To complement this we are also in the process of developing a new Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan. Created in collaboration with our Inclusion Advisory Group, this document will outline how the GFA plans to level the playing field and make football more inclusive, with opportunities for all to get involved. This will be published in due course.
Matt Boucher Head of Strategy and Delivery 01454 615888 (Option 3) |